
The 2024 ERGOMAS Biennial Conference will be held in Stockholm, hosted by CSMS.

NEWS! 17th ERGOMAS Biennial Conference will be held in Stockholm, at Södertörn University 1-5 July 2024. Please stay tuned, more information about the conference will be added soon at ERGOMAS and CSMS websites.

ERGOMAS is the European Research Group on Military and Society, founded in 1986.

It is an international scientific association, based originally in Europe but now open to all scholars from around the world, devoted to collaborative research on military and society. ERGOMAS is a public, non-profit, politically and ideologically independent professional organization of scientists. Its purposes are pursued through the activity of Working Groups and the Biennial Conference. The core disciplines of ERGOMAS are sociology and political science but, over time, it has become more and more multidisciplinary, and now has members drawn from many other disciplines.

Look out for more news about the conference here!

20180606_Bezmah01_Beredskapskontrol_HV_570 Fotograf: Bezav Mahmod, Försvarsmakten
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