
Announcements: Scandinavian Journal of Military Studies & the Swedish Centre for Studies of Armed Forces and Society present: NATO IN THE NORDICS

Conference 30-31 August 2023, Stockholm. Scandinavian Journal of Military Studies (SJMS) and the Swedish Centre for Studies of Armed Forces and Society (CSMS) are calling for abstracts for a two-day conference in Stockholm on the overall topic “NATO in the Nordics”.

With the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 and Sweden and Finland’s subsequent historical decisions to apply for NATO membership, nothing in Northern Europe’s security architecture is business as usual. The prospect of Swedish and Finnish NATO membership is imbricated with, among other things, profound implications for NATO Northern strategy and how corporation among the Nordic countries in this new framework might look like – implications, which urgently call for scholarly attention and deliberation by the military studies community.

Organized by the Scandinavian Journal of Military Studies and the Swedish Centre for Studies of Armed Forces and Society, the two-day conference seeks to gather SJMS authors and other researchers in the Scandinavian military studies community and beyond. Under the general topic of “NATO in the Nordics”, we invite abstract on, but not limited to, the following themes:

The military profession, e.g.:

New collaborations and the consequences for the national military professions and professionalism

Human resource challenges in Nordic total defence organisations

New Perspectives on Researching the Military Profession and Leadership

Strategy and operations, e.g.:

Perspectives on NATO strategic opportunities and limitations in the Nordics

The Baltic Sea and the Arctic Region

New avenues of Nordic defense corporation

Logistics and technology, e.g.:

Technological harmonization and interoperability among Nordic defenses.

The role of the market in Nordic defence

Civilian-military integration and collaboration in Nordic defence

Military & Society, e.g.

The Future Roles of Armed Forces in Nordic and Baltic Perspectives

Total defence workforces and the will to defend

Potential infra-Nordic synergies and conflicts

Prospective participants should aim for a 20 minutes presentation and 10 minutes Q & A. All abstracts will be submitted to review by the SJMS/CSMS team before acceptance. Only abstracts/presentations in English are accepted.

Participants without paper are also welcome, subject to attendance number limitations, and we highly encourage Ph.D.-students to participate, with or without paper.

Subject to participant interest, the organizers aim to publish one or more special issues of SJMS based on the presentations at the conference.

Practical information:

Deadline for submission of abstracts (max 250 words) is April 14, 2023. All abstracts should include a short bio of the author, including institutional affiliation. Please send your abstract to jcbb@fak.dk.

Participation in the conference is free, including the optional conference dinner on August 30. Online participation will not be possible.

For more and updated information about the conference visit SJMS homepage. 

The invitation can be downloaded here.

20160909_joethu01_NOCO16_33 Fotograf: Joel Thungren, Försvarsmakten
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