Drone in Ukraine

Urban warfare - a radical shift in how to train and fight with Anthony King

Professor Anthony King speaks about the Russia-Ukraine war and a radical shift in how to train and fight. This video was first presented at the Swedish Centre for Studies of Armed Forces and Societys international conference i Stockholm, June 2022.

Anthony King is a Professor of War Studies at Warwick University, specialising in the study of the war and the armed forces and is particularly interested in the question of small unit cohesion. Since 2004 he has been conducting research on the armed forces and this work has involved four major projects. This work has culminated in the publication of The Transformation of Europe's Armed Forces: From the Rhine to Afghanistan (Cambridge University Press, 2011), The Combat Soldier: Combat and Cohesion in the Twenty and Twenty-first Centuries (Oxford University Press, 2013), Command: The Twenty-First-Century General (Cambridge University Press 2019) and Urban Warfare in the Twenty-First Century (Wiley 2021)

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