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Addressing Emerging Threats: Police Strategies for Safety and Security in the Baltic Sea Region and Eastern Europe

Welcome to our one-day seminar on the themes of policing strategies for Safety and Security in the Baltic Sea Region and Eastern Europe, hosted by the School of Police Studies at Södertörn University on the 10th of October. A number of researchers and experts from Sweden, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Estonia, and Romania will present their work on the theme of Safety and Security.

20220904_hanhol09_METEOR 22_0958 Photo: Joel Thungren, The Swedish Armed Forces

10th October 2024

10.00 – 10.05: Opening of the one-day seminar by head of department, Prof. Ghazinour

10.05 – 10. 30: Amir Rostami, Professor (Sweden), Södertörn University, presentation entitled: “Sweden against organized violence”

10.35 – 11.00: Capt. Pawel Olbér, Ph.D (Poland), Police Academy in Szczytno, presentation entitled “The dimensions of cyber-crime in the Polish context”

11.05 – 11.30: Mindaugas Bilius (Lithuania), Deputy Head of the Lithuanian Police School, presentation entitled “The influence of war to Lithuanian police activities: future challenges”

11.35 – 12.00: Paul Moss, Chief Superintendent (the Netherlands), Police Academy of The Netherlands, presentation entitled “Police research in the Netherlands.”

12.00 – 13.00: Lunch break

13.00 – 13.25: Bernard Frevel, Professor (Germany), University of Applied Science for Police and Public Administration North-Rhine-Westphalia in Münster, presentation entitled “Interagency Policing and Urban Security”.

13.30 – 14.00: Delia Stefenel, PhD (Romania), University of Sibiu, presentation entitled “How Organizations Respond to the Needs of Migrants and Trafficking Victims in Romania”.

14.05 – 14.30: Radoslaw Kossakowski, associate professor (Poland), Gdánsk university, presentation entitled “Polish football fandom and the illegal activities - structures and consequences”.

14.30 – 15.00: Summary and discussion

This initiative is led by the School of police studies at Södertörn University in order to establish and develop a Baltic- and Eastern European network among police education institutions in the aforementioned countries. The network aims to foster future research projects and facilitate the exchange of experiences and knowledge in police science. The seminar will take place at Södertörn University. We look forward to having you here. To order enough refreshments, we need your registration no later than October 5. Registration is made to Titti Granbom at titti.granbom@sh.se

The preliminary program is subject to adjustments and changes.

20220518_joethu01_Vildhussen_HEMV?NET_13 Photo: Joel Thungren, The Swedish Armed Forces
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