
NATO in the Nordics. Program for the conference in Stockholm August 30-31

SJMS and CSMS are glad to present the program for the conference, NATO in the Nordics. The conference is a two-day conference, held in Stockholm August 30-31.

With the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 and Sweden and Finland’s subsequent historical decisions to apply for NATO membership, nothing in Northern Europe’s security architecture is business as usual. The prospect of Swedish and Finnish NATO membership is imbricated with, among other things, profound implications for NATO Northern strategy and how corporation among the Nordic countries in this new framework might look like – implications, which urgently call for scholarly attention and deliberation by the military studies community. The research front, here represented by both researchers and military practitioners, discusses themes such as:

  • Future of Nordic Defenses
  • Capacity Building in the New Security Situation
  • Nordic Defense Pillars
  • Defending the Baltic Sea
  • Societal Security
  • Civil-Military Relations
  • Recruitment
  • Military Culture
  • Logistics
  • Leadership
  • Cyber

Organized by the Scandinavian Journal of Military Studies and the Swedish Centre for Studies of Armed Forces and Society, the two-day conference seeks to gather SJMS authors and other researchers in the Scandinavian military studies community and beyond.

Participation in the conference is free of charge, but there are limited seats. Online participation will not be possible. Please register as soon as possible by sending name and affiliation to journal manager of SJMS,

Ragnild Lome at ralo@fak.dk.We will provide you with additional information, as soon as we confirm your registration.

Find the conference program here

The collection of abstracts can be downloaded here.

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